2 May 2022

May 6th, 2023 GRCU Roundup

Posted by Green River Cleanup

Thankyou all for helping us with the 2023 Green River cleanup!!

We had amazing flows, and it was great being able to paddle raft in the gorge again. We happily report that the gorge area is in good shape and clean at the higher flows. Most the garbage is coming off of roads into and out of river access areas. WKC had the highest turnout and was quite a site to see all the kayaks pulling into Flaming Geyser. Nice work!!!

A large majority of trash is larger items such as tires, parts of appliances and others. Next year is the 40th annual cleanup event and we expect to have a much bigger turnout and also coordinate to get some larger items! Thanks again for being a part of such an amazing tradition!!! – GRCU Committee

We are spending a lot more time separating recyclables that past couple years. The tires still wait to go to there end journey…..


74 Volunteers

Trash gathered and disposed of approx. 900 pounds including tires.

Recyclables: Approx. 375 pounds, including tires, metal and sorted glass/cans

Salvaged materials, Construction Cones, and even a kayak paddle! approx 25 pounds.

Total approx 1,300 pounds

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