23 May 2023
Save the Date 40th Green River Cleanup May 4th, 2024
Thankyou all for helping us with the 2023 Green River cleanup!!
Save the date for the 40th ANNUAL Green River Cleanup!!!! Saturday 5-4-24
Join WRRR, Paddle trails, OWA, WKC, BeWett, Nature Nuts, Boy Scouts, MGRC, WA state parks, and other several local clubs (If we missed your group let us know!) , neighbors and friends at the 40th Annual Green River Cleanup on Saturday May 4th!!! Every year lots of outdoor enthusiast enjoy the day recreating along the river, and cleaning up trash at the same time. As always, there will be lots to do for boaters and non boaters. River stretches are rated class 2-4. Low flow boating is happening now, as well as bicycle trips into the gorge. Hiking and ground crew sections are available from flat trail to adventurous river corridor cleaning. We found some huge trash areas and have local neighbor’s helping out as well!