27 Jan 2020

2020 35th annual Green River Cleanup!!!

Posted by Green River Cleanup

EditPosted by Green River Cleanup

UPDATE: The 2020 GRCU is postponed due to covid-19. Please check back for updates. **We have several neighbors that live on the river and in the Green River watershed. Their families will spend the hours grabbing trash to keep our streak alive!!!

Join WRRR, Paddle trails, OWA, WKC, BeWett, Nature Nuts, Boy Scouts, MGRC, WA state parks, and other several local clubs (If we missed your group let us know!) , neighbors and friends at the 35th Annual Green River Cleanup on May 2nd!!! Every year lots of outdoor enthusiast enjoy the day recreating along the river, and cleaning up trash at the same time. As always, there will be lots to do for boaters and non boaters. River stretches are rated class 2-4. The last 2 years proved that we will boat no matter the flow! Hiking and ground crew sections are available from flat trail to adventurous river corridor
cleaning. We found some huge trash areas and have local neighbor’s helping out as well!

Registration goes from 9:30-11 AM at the Headworks put in (Just before the army corps gate on river left), and Kanasket-Palmer State Park from 9am- 11:30AM. Help us clean up the Green River and keep it one of the most beautiful rivers you can raft.

Cleanup members will enjoy free camping at Kanasket-Palmer Campground, Friday and Saturday nights.   Please RSVP if you have an RV.

WRRR will also be hosting a BBQ at Kanasket Palmer State Park Picnic shelter on Saturday afternoon/evening after the event for members (or a $5 donation for non-members). Wrrr will provide burgers, brats., what you bring, and limited sides. Volunteers are asked to bring potluck side items. Please plan ahead with your lunch / snacks. What- you need a time? It’s after the river cleanup safety and sweep boat committee arrives! Come on out!!! Usually it’s about 6:30pm +/- river time 🙂

There will be a DUTCH OVEN DESSERT COOKOFF, this year just like years past. IT will be held at 8:30pm at one of the camps. Show off your D.O. skills and impress your friends. Winner gets a prize which has been over a $50 value in the past!!!

The Green River Cleanup **NEEDS YOUR VOLUNTEER** HELP to help make the event smooth and enjoyable for everyone. Please sign up with a trip leader if you are interested in any of the following:

-Lead Boat-Volunteer organizers
on map and lead ground crews)
-Sweep boat
-Special projects, land based cleanup. (Winches are encouraged!)
-Boat pod leaders
-Registration helpers
-2 shift open at headworks. (1st is 9:30-10:15am, 2nd is 10:16-11am) Easy to run if you aren’t doing shuttle
-2 shift open at kanasket palmer (1st 9:00am until 10:15am, 2nd from 10:15-11:30am)
-Shuttle organizers (on your own)
-River safety crew at the Mercury / nozzle area
-Recycle sorters
-BBQ Cleanup Helpers
-Event Cleanup (Sunday)
-Drivers to move trash and volunteers around the Green River Watershed picking up trash

Make sure to check out the http://www.greenrivercleanup.org, Green River Cleanup on Facebook, or the WRRR forums for more information and status updates.

Maps are available at www.greenrivercleanup.org

Trip Leaders:
GRCU Committee and WRRR Board

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