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2 May 2019

2019 Low FLOW Plan for boaters

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on 2019 Low FLOW Plan for boaters

Meet at group camp before 850 am for people unsure.

Gorge trips prob won’t happen except kayaks. If you go, nozzle is an easy scout and portage river left.

Brenan is leading hiking in nozzle around 11:30 after registrations.   Exploring possible help from 4×4 enthusiasts next year and checking out extraction possibilities for the gorge. We are getting Intel and pics for them as well,as marking legal access.     Before noon we are doing all,ground crew  Across from KP and up headworks.

Ground Crew work will continue. Mostly up headworks road, in the KP park and accross the river on KP land

Clay Ross is leading a headworks trip lots of hardshells.   Prob a bunch of wrrr peeps will end up there. We are planning on a sunday run as well.

The lower reaches below Flaming Geyser will have plenty of water.   Meet at flaming geyser 10am.     James is running yoyo which is Flaming Geyser to Whitney bridge. Discover passes are waived at flaming geyser. It would be smart to have one at the Soos Creek takeout.

Most the WRRR crew Will run Whitney bridge to just before hwy 18 at soos creek.  Still meet flaming 10am.   Easy in/out for large boats as there are fishing ramps. See maps below

We are sending down garbage bags and registration with a boater doing the lower.   Anyone doing registration we can swap so they can do the lower and we will handle it with ground crews.

Anyone not sure should meet Pinky at 850am group camp or 9am KP boat ramp 930 headworks is where we are meeting groups. Final hiking plan will be at 930 headworks. Once ground crews are going, we will head for the trailhead. 10am meet at flaming geyser for the lower reaches. Tons of trash awaits you!

Camping, BBQ, dutch oven cookoff times are all still good and approx. See you there and thanks for the help!!!

Map to SOOS creek bridge here

Map to Whitney Bridge, Flaming Geyser, Headworks here:

10 Jan 2019

34th Green River Cleanup l

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34th ANNUAL Green River Cleanup!!!! Saturday 5-4-19

The 34th Annual Green River Cleanup is right around the corner!!! Save the date for Saturday May 4th, 2019!

Join WRRR, Paddle trails, OWA, WKC, BeWett, Nature Nuts, Boy Scouts, MGRC, WA state parks, and other several local clubs (If we missed your group let us know!) , neighbors and friends at the 34th Annual Green River Cleanup on May 4th!!! Every year lots of outdoor enthusiast enjoy the day recreating along the river, and cleaning up trash at the same time. As always, there will be lots to do for boaters and non boaters. River stretches are rated class 2-4. The last 2 years proved that we will boat no matter the flow! Hiking and ground crew sections are available from flat trail to adventurous river corridor
cleaning. We found some huge trash areas and have local neighbor’s helping out as well!

Registration goes from 9:30-11 AM at the Headworks, and Kanasket-Palmer State Park from 9am- 11:30AM. Help us clean up the Green River and keep it one of the most beautiful rivers you can raft.  UPDATE:  There will be a short registration setup at Flaming Geyser at 10AM-10:05AM.   Pass the clip board along.  It will go with a boater to the Soos Creek Takeout.

Cleanup members will enjoy free camping at Kanasket-Palmer Campground, Friday and Saturday nights. Note the Group camp is open to all volunteers! We have overflow spots available, but not until the group camp is full. UPDATE: Volunteers helping to setup the Green Clean event can at the group camp Thursday night.   We have sites 1-14 as well for large vehicles and LIMITED RVs. Please RSVP if you have an RV. Several groups are sharing sites 1-14 as well.

WRRR will also be hosting a BBQ at Kanasket Palmer State Park Group Camp on Saturday afternoon/evening after the event for members (or a $5 donation for non-members). Wrrr will provide burgers, brats., what you bring, and limited sides. Volunteers are asked to bring potluck side items. Please plan ahead with your lunch / snacks. What- you need a time? It’s after the river cleanup safety and sweep boat committee arrives! Come on out!!! Usually it’s about 6:30pm

There will be a DUTCH OVEN DESSERT COOKOFF, this year just like years past. IT will be held at 8:30pm at the Kanasket Palmer group camp. Show off your D.O. skills and impress your friends. Winner gets a prize which has been over a $50 value in the past!!!

The Green River Cleanup **NEEDS YOUR VOLUNTEER** HELP to help make the event smooth and enjoyable for everyone. Please sign up with a trip leader if you are interested in any of the following:

-Lead Boat

-Volunteer organizers and cheerleaders (at registration to help people find areas
on map and lead ground crews)
-Boat pod leaders
-Registration helpers
-2 shift open at headworks.   FILLED
-2 shift open at kanasket palmer 1st 9:00am until 10:15am and the 2nd from 10:15-11:30am
-Shuttle organizers (on your own)
-River safety crew at the Mercury / nozzle area
-Recycle sorters
-BBQ Cleanup Helpers
-Event Cleanup (Sunday)
-Drivers to move trash and volunteers around the Green River Watershed picking up trash

-Sweep Boat (FILLED)

Make sure to check out the Wrrr.org forums, the green river cleanup facebook page, or http://www.greenrivercleanup.org for more information and status updates.

Maps are available at www.greenrivercleanup.org

Trip Leaders:
GRCU Committee and WRRR Board

7 May 2018

Thankyou!!!! Please stay tuned for the 34th Annual Green River Cleanup May 4th, 2019

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on Thankyou!!!! Please stay tuned for the 34th Annual Green River Cleanup May 4th, 2019

A huge Thankyou to all the volunteers this past weekend at the 33rd Green Clean!!!     We have so many behind the scenes helpers, BBQ folks, trash picker uppers, truck dumpers, recycle sorters, camp cleaners that it makes things very smooth.     This success of this event is directly tied to all the effort you all put in and we really appreciate it!

We will have Volunteer and Trash pickup stats soon.   This year Folks picked up stuff Friday and Sunday as well to really help tune things up, Awesome

Stay Tuned for Next year’s info.   The date is May 4th, 2019, See ya soon 🙂

24 Apr 2018

Please join us for the 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup! May 5th, 2018!!!!

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on Please join us for the 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup! May 5th, 2018!!!!

The 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup is right around the corner!!! Save the date for Saturday May 5th, 2018!

Join WRRR at the 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup on May 5th!!! Every year lots of outdoor enthusiast enjoy the day recreating along the river, and cleaning up trash at the same time. As always, there will be lots to do for boaters and non boaters. River stretches are rated class 2-4. The last 2 years proved that we will boat no matter the flow! Hiking and ground crew sections are available from flat trail to adventurous river corridor cleaning.  We found some huge trash areas and have local neighbor’s helping out as well!

Registration goes from 9:30-11 AM at the Headworks, and Kanasket-Palmer State Park from 9am- 11:30AM. Help us clean up the Green River and keep it one of the most beautiful rivers you can raft.

Cleanup members will enjoy free camping at Kanasket-Palmer Campground, Friday and Saturday nights. Note the Group camp is open to all volunteers! We have overflow spots available, but not until the group camp is full. UPDATE: Volunteers helping to setup the Green Clean event may stay at the group camp Thursday night.

WRRR will also be hosting a BBQ at Kanasket Palmer State Park Group Camp on Saturday afternoon/evening after the event for members (or a $5 donation for non-members). Wrrr will provide burgers, brats. Volunteers are asked to bring potluck side items. Please plan ahead with your lunch / snacks

There will be a DUTCH OVEN DESSERT COOKOFF, this year just like years past. IT will be held at 8:30pm at the Kanasket Palmer group camp. Show off your D.O. skills and impress your friends. Winner gets a prize which has been over a $50 value in the past!!!

The Green River Cleanup NEEDS YOUR VOLUNTEER HELP to help make the event smooth and enjoyable for everyone. Please sign up with a trip leader if you are interested in any of the following:

-Volunteer organizers and leaders (at registration to help people find areas on map and lead ground crews)
-Boat pod leaders
-Registration helpers
1 shift open at headworks 10:15-11am
1 shift open at kanasket palmer 10:30-11:30am
-Shuttle organizers (on your own)
-River safety crew at the Mercury / nozzle area
-Recycle sorters
-BBQ Cleanup Helpers
-Event Cleanup (Sunday)
-Drivers to move trash and volunteers around the Green River Watershed picking up trash

Make sure to check out the Wrrr.org forums, the green river cleanup facebook page, or http://www.greenrivercleanup.org for more information and status updates.

Maps are available at www.greenrivercleanup.org

Trip Leaders:
GRCU Committee and WRRR Board

17 Jan 2018

2018 – Join us May 5th for the 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup!!!

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on 2018 – Join us May 5th for the 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup!!!

The 33rd Annual Green River Cleanup will be arriving soon!!!   Save the date for Saturday May 5th, 2018!

Camping for cleanup volunteers will be at the Kanasket Palmer Group Camp.   We have overflow sites once we fill that up.   Discover passes will be waived this weekend for volunteers.

Can’t wait to see you all this year!!!!



1 May 2017

Bbq update:

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on Bbq update:

Due to light volunteer staff this year, WRRR will be hosting the BBQ at the group camp at KANASKET PALMER state park.  WRRR WILL provide hamburgers and fixings (thank you Mary K.) and WRRR is requesting that members bring a pot luck dish to share with others. Salads and hot items like beans are requested.   ($5 suggested donation for non wrrr members)


So there will NOT be a large WRRR shindig at Flaming Geyser.  Instead it will be at the group camp at Kanasket Palmer.  So plan on an efficient shuttle from FG back to KP for all the fun.


There will still be the DO dessert cook off competition saturday evening at 830 sharp at the KP group camp.


See you all there!!!    If you can help with logistics this year please let us know!   We are so thankful for all the time and effort you all put into these events!!!!     See ya soon!

15 Mar 2017

2017 – 32nd Green River Cleanup!!! May 6, 2017

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on 2017 – 32nd Green River Cleanup!!! May 6, 2017

Join us at the 32nd Annual Green River Cleanup on May 6th!!! Every
year lots of outdoor enthusiast enjoy the day recreating along the river,
and cleaning up trash at the same time. As always, there will be lots to
do for boaters and non boaters. River stretches are rated class 2-4. The last
2 years proved that we will boat no matter the flow! Hiking and ground crew
sections are available from flat trail to adventurous river corridor
cleaning. We found some buge trash areas and have local neighbor’s helping out as well!

Registration goes from 9:30-11 AM at the Headworks, and Kanasket-Palmer
State Park from 9am- 11:30AM. Help us clean up the Green River and keep it
one of the most beautiful rivers you can raft.

Cleanup members will enjoy free camping at Kanasket-Palmer Campground, Friday and
Saturday nights. WRRR (Washington Recreational River Runners) will be hosting a BBQ at Flaming Geyser State Park on Saturday afternoon for members (or a $5 donation for non-members).  All cleanup volunteers have access to group camping at the Kanasket Palmer
Group camp Friday and Saturday nights.

The Green River Cleanup NEEDS YOUR VOLUNTEER HELP to help make the event
smooth and enjoyable for everyone. Please sign up with a trip leader if
you are interested in any of the following:

-Event Setup and general help
-Folks to help others find camping
-Volunteer organizers and leaders (at registration to help people find areas
on map and lead ground crews)
-Boat pod leaders
-Flyers and communication to neighbors
-Registration helpers
-Brew Coffee in the AM!
-Shuttle organizers
-River Lead boat
-River Sweep Boat
-River safety crew at the Mercury / nozzle area
-Trash Pick-er-up-ers
-Recycle sorters
-BBQ supply gatherers
-BBQ grillers at picnic shelter 3
-BBQ Cleanup Helpers
-Event Cleanup
-Sunday KP camp cleaners

Make sure to check here for complete details, the green river
cleanup facebook page, and http://www.greenrivercleanup.org

Trip Leaders:
GRCU Committee and WRRR Board

29 Jan 2017

32nd Green River Cleanup Sat. May 6 2017

Posted by Jay. Comments Off on 32nd Green River Cleanup Sat. May 6 2017

Save the date for this great PNW tradition.

12 Apr 2016

2016’s 31st Green River Cleanup is just around the corner!!! APRIL 30, 2016!

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on 2016’s 31st Green River Cleanup is just around the corner!!! APRIL 30, 2016!

Please check out the website here.   You can register, find maps, times, directions all here at www.greenrivercleanup.org.     See the tabs just above for all the info!!!      See ya there 🙂


-The Green River Cleanup Team




4 May 2015

Thanks Everybody!!!

Posted by Green River Cleanup. Comments Off on Thanks Everybody!!!

Thankyou everyone for coming out to the 2015 GRCU!   Despite the low water flows, we still had a good turnout and got lots of trash.   Final stats will be coming shortly.